Wednesday, 30 November 2011

City poster update.

This city poster is currently eating up my life. All I seem to be doing is making characters, when I close my eyes all I can see is them. Still, I'm confident when it is finished it will all be worth it and I've already selected a four colour palette, though it may change so I won't show it just yet.

Banana man.

One of my friends bought a "chipolata banana" and I just had to give it the same face as the bananas in my mega doodle. She named him Larry.

Book Binding.

We got started on making our book project the other day and bound the case that will encompass the three books of each city.

Monday, 28 November 2011

City Poster!

I'm roughly just under halfway through my city poster now, that is everything from drawing it to adding colour. As such, I thought I'd post a pic of it to give you an idea of how it's going to look. Still got a good few hours of work left to do on it, but here's what I got so far. And the theme is population by the way.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Ordinary Book.

Whilst I liked the miniature book mock up I made it was a bit naff, so I decided to put a bit more time in and go back to revamp my mock-up. In doing so I produced a full sized version which I hope looks something like our final version will. It's small, being only 100mm x 100mm, but like I said we are planning to produce 3 to the same specs and then a case to put them in; So it should be fine at the size it is.

Miniature books!

Who knew making miniature mock-ups could be so entertaining. There's just something about a miniature version of a book that makes it so much more interesting than the full scale version. This is my finished mock-up for my "Invisible cities" book project. It's a 1/4 size version of 3 books that we will be hopefully producing, along with a case with a map printed on it to display them.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Bit worried...

Is it a good thing when the light you use for drawing has this sticker on it? :S

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Well the film from the screenplay I wrote is now online. I came up with a story idea so I wrote the script and posted it on the simply scripts website under the pseudonym "Freeman Gudbrand". An aspiring film producer from Dubai then approached me over it but wanted to get it revamped before producing it. I said ok and the script still remains surprisingly true to my original, with the only real changes being the removal of a section of monologue about the main characters job and the ending being changed from policemen stood outside the car to civilians. Overall I like the way it was produced and who knows, maybe I'll work with Musaab again in the future. :)

Here's a link:

Is this Jon Boam?

Just spotted this in the Victoria Quarter in the middle of Leeds. I really like the illustration style and it looks like the work of Jon Boam but it could just be another person with the same style. I should probably ask him on Twitter. Also I got some funny looks when I was taking the photos, I don't know what people thought I was doing! Should be useful for inspiration though. :)
I did check with him on Twitter and it turns out this is the work of Andy Rementer, another talented illustrator.


I'm so sick of making illustrator maps for the book project, but it has to be done.

Toilet Roll Doodles.

Here's my toilet roll doodles so far. There just a way of wasting time really, but they also stop us from binning as many toilet rolls and I'll probably wang them in the recycling at the end of the year. Still pretty novel for now :).

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

City poster project.

Currently I'm working on a city poster project and have decided to go with population. For this I am doing an A2 poster illustration. This is where I'm at so far, just the character outlines at the moment; I'm hoping to put in the effort and get it finished soon.

First Post Ever!

Well I figure as I'm setting up a new blog I might as well create a first post that will act as though breaking a bottle over the bow of a ship.